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000514_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Mon Oct 9 17:49:26 1995.msg
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Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 20:41:19 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Raymond A. Nittolo" <cvs@randomc.com>
Subject: Re: video seq.s w/PAR-TBCIV
To: Thomas Desmond <tdesmond@sol.racsa.co.cr>
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I have about teh same set up as you, except my drive is a 3655 (I think).
I believe it was the second drive approved by DPS.
I am getting outstanding results grabbing footage from tape.
I am using ver 2.50. I downloaded the latest, greatest version (2.6 ?)
and was very unhappy. I reinstalled 2.5.
I generally set my block limit between 186 and 190. I have gone as high
as 200, depending on the footage.
My Q factor is set to 18. Of course this depends on a lot of things such
as the footage I am trying to grab. The Biggest factor to grabbing your
best image is how much stuff you have on your hard drive. Get rid of as
much stuff as you can. Start with a clean disc if possible. After
deleting footage make sure you "CLEAN UP".
One of DPS's
selling points was you could archive your stills. DON'T, not if you want
to rotoscope. I bought into that fable. Not only was my footage
lousy, but when I had stills on my disc and I performed a "SPLIT" and
then an "APPEND", my drive CRASHED and I lost everything. Now this was on
the earliest version, but if you did it in that order, under the same
circumstances it would crash. (I did it twice, you would think I would
have learned. I have not had it happen again with 2.5.)
Thats the best advice I can give. Dump your footage to whatever you have
available and start deleting. Play with you settings until you get it the
way you like. It is one of my biggest money makers (compositing).
Hope this helps.
Raymond A. Nittolo
Random Access Internet Shell account
Standard disclaimers apply.
Email: cvs@randomc.com
"Raymond A. Nittolo" <cvs@randomc.com> sent this message.
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